Organic Gardening - what to sow and grow each month

Stay on top of your organic garden all year with our month-by-month guides. Learn what to sow and grow, plus key seasonal tasks, to keep your garden productive and wildlife-friendly. Find advice for every month and enjoy organic gardening success.

What to sow & grow in January

Planning, preparation and indoor sowing are top of the list for January.

January's checklist

What to sow & grow in February

Seed sowing, pruning and bed preparation are good things to focus on in February.

February's checklist

What to sow & grow in March

March is the perfect month to sow your seeds in preparation for longer days and warmer soil.

March's checklist

What to sow & grow in April

As the days get longer and warmer, April's a good time for planting, sowing, and preparing beds.

April's checklist

What to sow & grow in May

May's a great time to start planting out your seedlings after hardening them off.

May's checklist

What to sow & grow in June

June is a busy month. Keep on top of watering and maintenance to enjoy a thriving garden.

June's checklist

What to sow & grow in July

Continue succession sowing & planting, and take a moment to enjoy the long summer evenings.

July's checklist

What to sow & grow in August

Reap the rewards of summer growth, and keep the garden productive in August.

August's checklist

What to sow & grow in September

September marks the start of autumn. This month, focus on harvesting produce and tidying up.

September's checklist

What to sow & grow in October

October's a good time to prepare for winter. Clear spent plants and protect tender varieties.

October's checklist

What to sow & grow in November

Prepare for winter, protect tender plants from frost, and sow seeds for early crops in November.

November's checklist

What to sow & grow in December

There's plenty to do in the cold. Protect tender plants, and sow early-season crops under cover.

December's checklist